We are thrilled to announce the launch of the
Instant Sell
  • Sell ARC-20 tokens instantly without the need to list them.
  • No need to deposit network fees, supports wallets with only ARC-20 tokens.
  • Supports all ARC-20 tokens with a floor unit price of less than 1 satoshi.
How to use: Portfolio page or Token page - List - Instant sell.
Instant Sell
  1. 免挂单,立即售出 ARC-20 代币。
  2. 无需充值网络费,支持仅有 ARC-20 代币的钱包。
  3. 支持所有地板单价低于 1 聪的 ARC-20 代币。
如何使用:Portfolio 或 Token 页面 - List - Instant sell。